Table of Contents

Step 1:
Biochem/Histo/Path | CV | Derm | Endo/Repro | Genes | GI | Heme | Infection/Immun | Neoplasia | Neuro/Psych | Renal | Resp/ENT

Step 2:
Anesth/ICU | Neuro | Ob-Gyn | Pediatrics | Primary Care | Psychiatry | Surgery

"Dude, I was looking at your site. And it looks pretty amateur." - Scott

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Infection and Immunology - Streptococcus pneumoniae

Download the song for free.



1 comment:

  1. hey,

    Just in case you don't know how awesome you are for doing this, let me remind you. You rock. Thanks for putting the time in to create these songs and post your lecturettes. They really help me alot and keep things interesting when reading gets old.
