Table of Contents

Step 1:
Biochem/Histo/Path | CV | Derm | Endo/Repro | Genes | GI | Heme | Infection/Immun | Neoplasia | Neuro/Psych | Renal | Resp/ENT

Step 2:
Anesth/ICU | Neuro | Ob-Gyn | Pediatrics | Primary Care | Psychiatry | Surgery

"Dude, I was looking at your site. And it looks pretty amateur." - Scott

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Infection and Immunology - Blastomycosis



1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I thought Blasto was EAST of the Mississippi area in areas like Florida... and Histoplasmosis was the dimorphic fungi that inhabits the Miss. and Ohio river valley area....
